Do we really need such gurus? Aren't we better without these fake gurus? Photo: archive.indianexpress.com By VINAY THAKUR Recently when I shared the news about one incident which happened in India where some people wanted to spread flowers in the path of rape convict Narayan Sai when police planned to take him to some hospital for medical checkup and to a court for the demand of legal custody (a routine procedure after the arrest of any criminal or convict) on my Facebook wall, one of my friend asked why people need these dhongi (which means fake, pretentious, or cheat) gurus, babas or so called godmans? The question is very relevant and valid, but the answer is not that easy and straightforward. Anyone reading this news or any similar news would ask this question, why the heck these people want to glorify a rape convict or a criminal? (there is no dearth of such incidents all over the world but I want to focus specially in India because this is very common here). Thi...