Popular Nepali TV actor and actress Dipak Raj Giri and Dipashree Niraula donated Rs.2 Lakh for the MRR Group. All photos by the MRR THE MRR GROUP: WORKING FOR A CAUSE By LB Thapa Call them CRAZY boys, AMAZING boys or STUPID boys, no matter how you call them. They won’t mind, for sure. But one thing is pretty certain: you cannot ignore them. These boys, who crave no name, but believe in service and only service. Selfless and unassuming, their group works without hierarchy. In their group, everyone is equal, as there are no seniors or juniors. Guided by the spirit of benevolence, these boys, who call themselves Men’s Room Reloaded, want to keep their profile low-key. However, the body of work these boys have done can surprise any sane person of wit. MRR activists with Nepali flags. Do you want to know more about the Men's Room Reloaded group and their unbelievable works? Here they are. Men’s Room Reloaded was the brainchild of four young boys in 2011. Gyan Malla Thakuri,...