SELLING SEX TO SURVIVE By LB Thapa Prostitution is illegal in Nepal, but it is served everywhere and easily available throughout the country. If this is the case, then how can one say prostitution is illegal? It is illegal only for namesakes. Otherwise, the flesh trade is thriving right under the noses of lawmakers. Now many voices are heard who say if the state cannot control the flesh trade, then legalize it. No official attempt has been made to register the number of commercial sex workers in the country so far. Nevertheless, various reports have confirmed that over 30,000 active sex workers are in the country. Of them, over 10,000 prostitutes are believed to carry out their profession in the Kathmandu valley alone. A large number of minor girls below the age of 16 are also found in this profession. They sell sex to survive. Although the law of the land prohibits prostitution, it is flourishing in cities and towns. There could be many reasons for sp...