Ram Bahadur Bomjon’s arrest has raised some questions

Over the last couple of years, incidences of rape and murder have soared dramatically in the country. According to a report, 17,790 women and girls were raped in the last decade, and rape cases are on the rise by 20 percent every year. This is certainly not a good piece of news for a small country like Nepal. In the last fiscal year, the Nepal Police registered 144 cases of rape and 687 cases of attempts to rape. Data further shows that only in five months in 2020, a total of 1,221 women were raped in the country. The data further certifies that, on average, seven women are raped daily in Nepal. 

Without a doubt, such incidences of rape and murder paint a grim picture of Nepal. And the increasing number of such cases does not give a good message to the international community, which still admires Nepal as the land of Buddha, where the crime rate is far lower compared to other countries. 

But when Ram Bahadur Bomjan also known as Little Buddha, was arrested the other day, this very act of the police left many people perplexed in general and the devotees of Little Buddha in particular. Many devotees of Bomjon accuse the police of working under the direction of higher authorities, who don’t like to see the rise of Bomjon as a spiritual guru who has hundreds of thousands of devotees at home and abroad. 

Junita Tamang, who lives in Pokhara but is originally from Chitwan, spoke with this scribe and said, “I don’t see any justice in the arrest of our Guru. The police action against our Guru is a discriminatory action by the state against a particular community. I would like to ask the Nepal Police if they can take legal action against any established Hindu spiritual Guru. Certainly, they can't, and they will not.” 

Dipesh Rai, currently living in Bhaktapur, was also upset by the news of his Guru’s arrest. “I am vastly hurt. Seeing our spiritual Guru handcuffed is an act of humiliation. Arresting our Guru is a grand design of the state against a community. At a time when the real rapists walk free in the country, the Nepal Police will not arrest them. On top of that, even the state itself plays a role in getting a murderer released from jail. What type of law is this?” 

To some extent, Dipesh Rai seems right. If we go through the rape cases, it is found that whenever influential persons or their family members are behind the rape or murder, the culprits have never been arrested. Our police remain mute spectators in such cases. Otherwise, they act like James Bond and arrest the rapists and murderers to the best of their abilities. 

Namita and Sumita were raped and murdered in Pokhara in 1980. Ramita and Sunita’s bodies were found, but Neera’s body was never found. The postmortem reports suggested that those victims had been brutally raped and then murdered. It was believed that high-ranking people were involved in that rape and murder case. Nepal Police failed to bring the rapist and murder to the public. 

Similarly, Nirmala Pant was raped and murdered in 2018. When Nirmala Pant was raped and murdered, she was only 13 years old. Her body was found in a sugarcane field. An angry mob took to the street, showed tremendous solidarity with the victim’s family, and put pressure on the government to arrest the rapist and murderer. Alas! The rapist and the murderer have yet to be arrested. Most people say the rapist is the son of a prominent political leader in the country. If that really is the case, then certainly the Nepal Police cannot reach the culprit. 

Not kilos but tons of gold have been seized at Tribhuvan International Airport, but Nepal Police have remained unsuccessful in breaking the involvement of high-ranking people behind the gold racketeers. Senior police officers have shown their inability to investigate those high-ranking political heavyweights. The same is true with the fake Bhutanese refugee scam, where the police had to be satisfied with small fish. However, once again, high-ranking political leaders are left untouched. They enjoy absolute impunity. 

Ram Bahadur Bomjon suddenly came to the limelight after spending nearly 10 months meditating under a Banyan tree. During this time, he did not eat, drink, or move from his meditative position. Defying the science, Bomjon remained healthy without eating or drinking for months. This attracted foreign media, including the Discovery Channel and the National Geographic Channel. Even such internationally renounced TV channels could not smell a rat in the whole episode. They praised little Buddha instead. 

According to the police, Bomjan was sought for the charges of rape and murder for a long time. The police were searching him for several cases against him. Bomjan has been accused of disappearing 28-year-old Rita Bote in 2019. The police swung into action when Somni Bote directly accused Bomjan of disappearing her daughter. In 2020, one more complaint was registered against Bomjan for the sexual exploitation of a 14-year-old girl in the forest of Pattharkot in Sarlahi. 

The family members of Phool Maya Rumba did also file a complaint against Bomjan for disappearing her from Bomjan’s Ashram in Halkoria Forest, Bara. In 2012, a missing case was filed against Bomjan. Ganga Maya Tamang accused Bomjan of disappearing  her younger sister from his Ashram. In 2016, Mahendra Waiba filed a case and accused Bomjan of disappearing his father, Sancha Lal Waiba. 

According to the latest news, when Bomjan was arrested from his hideout near Kathmandu, they seized NPR 3 crores and 34 lakhs. The police also found NPR 30 lakhs, 92 thousand foreign currencies from 17 different countries, and many other things. 

Now that Bomjan is in police custody, many of his followers are not ready to accept what the police are saying about their Guru. Many of them opine that all the charges against their Guru is fabricated and far from reality. They believe that their Guru will soon be released from police custody. 

Whether Bomjan is a fake Guru and sexually exploits her female devotees is the subject of a police investigation. And later, the law will decide whether Bomjan is guilty or not. But what I have noticed is that of those people who have lodged complaints against Bomjan for disappearing their family members, almost all of them belong to the Tamang community. They are not Chhetri, Brahamin, or other castes. So, it is wrong to say by the supporters and the disciples of Bomjan that the state has targeted a certain community to humiliate them. This sounds rather indigestible.

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