Shova KC is the managing director of Silk International college, Pokhara. Photo: LB Thapa
Women empowerment has become a buzzword today. There are several NGOs, INGOs, and of course many political leaders who never tired of talking about woman empowerment. But a real question is how many of them are true to their intentions. This is a question worth pondering. These organizations may be well equipped with the resources but despite that their achievements are below expectation.  

Meanwhile, there are still some people who are engaged in philanthropic activities but believe in no gimmicks. If one is determined with selfless service then it is not necessary that one should have a huge amount of money. The 'willingness' to do something good is more important in life.

Shova KC is a young girl, who believes in women's power. She works sincerely with the sole intention of making young girls capable to stand on their own feet, and help them lead the dignified life they deserve for.

Talking with this scribe Shova KC said "In our society, a girl child is not welcomed. Everyone expects a son in the family. A girl child is merely an unwanted gift, which is received rather reluctantly. This attitude of people hurts me a lot. I can't fight against each person in society, but I can work to empower every single girl around me. Hence, I decided to encourage all girls to be extroverts and get training to become skilled in the field they think they can excel well. In fact, I myself belong to a middle-class family, and I am financially not well off; but financial constraint has never deterred my intention".  

Shova had a leader's quality right from her childhood. She would always lead her friends in and out of the class. Besides studying, she took interest in several extra curriculum activities. Several glittering medals, shields, and certificates are stacked in her cupboards that she proudly displays. Without a doubt, she has proved herself a versatile girl.

Shova took interest in the glamorous world of modeling as soon as she joined college. Her family members and relatives were not happy with her decision. They put pressure upon her to abandon the idea at once. But Shova refused and said this could also be a field where young and talented girls can make a decent living.

Students at Silk International college, Pokhara. Photo: courtesy. 

Shova KC is the director of Silk International College Pokhara. Photo: courtesy. 
"I wanted to convince my parents because I didn’t want to do anything without convincing them. I told my parents that I did not join modeling as my career. I joined modeling to encourage many young girls to convince them that a respectful living is possible in the field of modeling. I knew that many girls wanted to step into the field of modeling but they hesitated. I wanted to break this shackle by leading them from the front," said Shova convincingly.

Shova grew rapidly in the field of modeling. With the passage of time, she took long strides and got many opportunities in the field of modeling. Her achievements did really encourage many young girls to come forward and show their hands in the field of modeling. Shova was contented with her progress and achievements. Then all of a sudden, leaving everyone flabbergasted, she decided to give up modeling.

"My parents and friends were surprised when I announced that I was quitting modeling. I tried to convince them, but I don't know whether they were convinced or not. My intention is to empower young girls and make them more capable in life. I felt to do something more concrete to empower young girls so that they could stand on their own feet and live a life full of self-respect and confidence.

“I spent months thinking of what I should do so that I can again pull many young girls helping them make self-reliant and self-dependent. Finance was my big worry. I did not belong to a rich family. Whatever I wanted to do was with a small sum of money," said Shova by releasing a gush of air from her mouth.

After much contemplation, Shova came out with a brilliant idea of establishing an institution devoted to training young girls to join IT and aviation-related jobs. She registered Silk International college of IT & Aviation Center (SICIAC). Shova made it clear that unlike other institutions of this kind her intention is not to make money. She expects no profit but to remain in the market with her philanthropic ideas.

"I do charge a reasonable amount of fee which is quite affordable for any middle-class girls. At the same time, I do also provide scholarships to encourage those girls who are from extremely poor families but show enormous talent. My institution has yet not started an IT course as it requires more funds, but I will start it in days to come," confided Shova.

At present, she runs the institute with all sincerity and commitment. Many experts, when they knew about her benevolent intention, have agreed to volunteer. Shova KC is much indebted to senior captains Jeevan Kumar Niraula and Manish Bista, both fly Tara Airlines. "Had they not assisted me, I would never be able to do what I am doing today," credited Shova.

She also added, "Every girl of this part of the country can't go to Kathmandu or India to receive professional training. This can be possible for some, but many girls can't do this for many reasons. Hence, my institution has succeeded in earning a name among many young girls and their parents", lauded Shova.

We can only hope that a young girl like Shova KC must succeed in her mission. This is very true that women in our society are lowly treated and they are taught to compromise with their fate. Though the world has progressed a lot, people's attitude has remained backward and rotten in many parts of the world.

We need to change a negative attitude about girls, and they should be treated as equally as any boys should. To bring this change all girls must come forward with a new vision and march ahead like Shova KC. She is no different from any young girl of our society; if there is any difference then it is willpower and strong determination.

Thank you very much for reading this article. I hope you liked this article. I will be glad if you take a little time and make a comment about this article. Your comment is highly appreciated.
Note: Originally this article was published 6 years ago in the VIBES Magazine, published from Kathmandu, Nepal. The article is reproduced for the reader's interest.   
LB Thapa is a Pokhara-based freelance writer and author. 
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