Ayurveda has amazing power to heal chronic diseases. Photo: Annie Spratt, Unsplash

Can Ayurveda cure coronavirus?
Ayurveda is an ancient method of treatment. It is believed that the science of Ayurveda was composed between 500-1000 BCE. Essentially the Vedas glorify the essence of life in fire, wind, earth, plants and animals.   However, traditional medical system of Nepal dates back to at least 500 AD. Ever since then Ayurvedic medicines are regularly used in Nepal to fight against several diseases.   

At present time, most of the people are attracted to ayurvedic treatment, as it has been successful to alleviate various types of ailments without side effects. However, despite the fact that ayurvedic treatment can cure many chronic diseases, regrettably very little or no effort has been done to promote ayurvedic therapy in the country.

Loss of Ayurvedic treasure
Since no adequate initiative has ever been made to promote ayurvedic treatment in the country, as a result a record of around 624 species of medicinal and aromatic plants including traditional ayurvedic practices are on the verge of disappearing.

Over the past several years, due to lack of proper initiation, the country has already lost its patent right to over 150 species of medicinal plants. This is a direct loss for the country. However, geographical set up and climatic conditions have helped a great deal to grow a large number of ayurvedic plants in many parts of the Himalayan region and the hilly regions. These rare herbs are being used by Vaidhays (traditional healers) for generations. But unfortunately many of these herbal plants which had been grown and used in the country since the time immemorial, now the country does not own the patent rights of many of these medicinal plants.  

It is largely believed that the Himalayan bend is the source of estimated 10,000 species of medicinal plants. Most of them are rare and found nowhere in the world. There are many life saving medicines available on different parts of the Himalayas, which are being used to save lives of hundreds of thousands of people across the world.

Lack of technology
However, due to lack of relevant technology, expertise and government effort many valuable herbs lay unused, as they are yet to be identified. Most surprisingly, we have to pay royalties for the use of many herbs, which are actually found in many parts of the Himalayan and hilly regions of the country. This is how we are gradually losing the patent rights of many of our precious medicinal plants. In other words, this is a direct economic loss for the country.

Due to lack of adequate technology and method, it has not been possible to process many precious herbs in the country. As a result, every year we export more than 100 tons of herbs to India at a very low price and in return, we buy tons of processed medicines at a very high price. Like this way the country is not only losing precious stock of herbs, our money is also siphoning off foreign countries.

As a matter of fact, many herbs, which are available in many local areas, if managed properly, can create job opportunity among the rural populace. If our government takes an initiation to organize local people and give them technical knowledge, it could play a decisive role in poverty alleviation from rural areas of the country. This is also possible for many Nepali farmers to grow herbs as a potent source of income along with agriculture and livestock farming.

Stop illegal trade of herbs
However, due to absence of effective law and management in the use of life saving herbs, many unscrupulous people are involved in illegal trade of many rare herbs. As a consequence, most of such herbs are on the brink of complete extinction. It is therefore very necessary on the part of the government to take this issue with required sense of urgency and seriousness.

Hence, adequate step should be taken to preserve and promote scientific use of many herbs and medicinal plants. Moreover, infrastructure expansion is utmost necessary so that all herbs which are unused can be processed into life saving drugs. For this, all local communities, where herbs are found in plenty, must be made aware about the importance of herbs. This will help the local communities to learn the safe handling of these resources that can go a considerable way to reduce rural poverty.

Since day by-day allopathic treatment has been going beyond the reach of ordinary people, this will be rational to promote traditional treatment system in the country. Meanwhile, we must accept the fact that our knowledge of growing, storing, processing and manufacturing the herbs into allopathic medicines is largely insufficient. If this is the case then it is the part of government’s duty to take this matter seriously and put all possible efforts to transform this ancient knowledge into wealth.

Not only preservation and growth of herbs is necessary, but ancient copies of manuscripts confirming ayurvedic philosophy must be preserved and studied properly. The government must take relevant steps and promote ayurvedic treatment system in the country without further delay.

Can Ayurveda cure Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
At a time when Coronavirus (COVID-19) has wreaked havoc in China and many other parts of the world, an Indian doctor from Tamil Nadu claims to have found an ‘Ayurvedic Cure to the Coronavirus. In fact many scientists and bacteriologists are working hard to find a cure of the virus on a war footing. However, it is highly unlikely to develop a workable vaccine anytime soon.  

Dr. Thanikasalam Veni, practicing at Rathna Siddha Hospital in Chennai, has claimed to develop an herbal medicine capable to cure Coronavirus. According to the doctor, if the herbal medicine that he has developed is administered, it can kill the Coronavirus within 24 hours to 40 hours. However, no official statement has been made from the Medical Council of India (MCI) about the claim made by Dr. Thanikasalam Veni.

“We had used our medicine against dengue virus and it worked successfully. The medicine that we have developed has potential power to reduce high fever to normal in 24 to 40 hours. Our herbal medicine is equally effective against Coronavirus as well”, said Dr.Veni.  

Dr. Veni did also express his willingness to extend his cooperation with the state and central government.

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LB Thapa is a freelance writer and author. 
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